Our Lady of Lourdes School
Calendar Raffle April-June 2013


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Drawing Date Prize Amount Winning Ticket
Raffle No.
Name of Winner
04/01 $50 6456 Gertrude Legoff
04/02 $25 5933 Gail Snipp
04/03 $100 5228 Hannah Dempsey
04/04 $25 5033 Sharon Balsamo
04/05 $50 6091 Pat Coiro
04/08 $25 5822 Arush Sanbui
04/09 $25 5824 Arush Sanbui
04/10 $50 5029 Andrulewich
04/11 $25 5012 Sueling Chong
04/12 $100 5978 Joseph DeCaro
04/15 $50 6490 Michael Duffy
04/16 $25 5989 Joan Conover
04/17 $100 6079 Manuel
04/18 $25 5731 Malcolm Quintanilla
04/19 $50 5220 Jim Lukach
04/22 $25 6078 Jesus Cholula
04/23 $50 6113 Veronica Brickman
04/24 $100 5030 Sharon Balsamo
04/25 $25 5205 Rafael Barragan
04/26 $25 6213 John Colaizzi
04/29 $25 6073 Lisa Walsh
04/30 $25 5457 Vilma Koprowski
05/01 $50 5856 Margie Nemes
05/02 $25 6221 Ms. Mariliye
05/03 $100 5779 Juanciry Durrdierd
05/06 $25 5430 Ruth Joyce
05/07 $50 5222 Jim Lukach
05/08 $100 5930 Brian & Jamie Snipp
05/09 $25 6102 Christine Sala
05/10 $25 6090 Pat Coiro
05/13 $100 6081 Scott Garibaldi
05/14 $25 5227 Bridget Dempsey
05/15 $25 6249 Alberto Tello
05/16 $25 5684 Pepe
05/17 $25 6006 Bill & Ann Volpe
05/20 $25 5686 Pepe
05/21 $25 6032 Victoria Wylde
05/22 $25 5453 Anjorli torres
05/23 $100 5229 Nancy Shervanick
05/24 $25 6092 Pat Coiro
05/27 $100 5754 Josefina Rodriguez
05/28 $25 5030 Sharon Balsamo
05/29 $25 6170 Charlotte Aboussleman
05/30 $50 5623 James Perdoni
05/31 $25 5624 Michelle Rey
06/03 $25 6480 Art Hamm
06/04 $50 6157 Brunn Family
06/05 $25 5275 Jeanie Fama
06/06 $100 6481 Joe Krisza
06/07 $25 5451 Angela Mendoza
06/10 $50 5386 Donna Lokhammer
06/11 $25 6104 Mary Taormina
06/12 $25 6410 Lynne Wilkinson
06/13 $25 6114 Jessica Faccone
06/14 $100 5680 Pepe
06/17 $100 5495 John Logan
06/18 $25 6459 Roberta Verdun
06/19 $25 6492 DaCruz
06/20 $50 6483 Adriana Fama
06/21 $25 5852 Denise Vispisiano
06/24 $100 6060 Alexandra
06/25 $25 5978 Joseph DeCaro
06/26 $25 6095 Pat Coiro
06/27 $25 5671 Josephine Birardi
06/28 $150 6454 John Lazarczyk