2nd Grade's
My Time with the Blessed Mother


Student Student Memories...
When Mary visited my house we were very happy because it was the same day that my sister came home from college. We prayed together as a family. Each one of us prayed for one thing. I prayed for all the sick people in the world who are sick and that they don't die...We also prayed with Mary at our dinner table.
I prayed six Hail Mary prayers and one more for love. I love Mary all day. I love my mom and dad. We pray together as a family.
I pray to Mary to keep my family safe.
I prayed for the poor and the suffering. God loves us!

I prayed to the statue of Mary. I had fun.

I prayed for children in Hurricane Sandy and the families I wanted to be safe.

I pray to Mary. I love Mary. She is our mother in Heaven. I prayed the Act of Consecration to Mary, Act of Faith, Hope and Love, Act of Contrition, Hail Mary, Our Father and other prayers.

My family put Mary on the Holy Table. On Friday we prayed to Mary. On Saturday, before bed, we prayed to be better people. We prayed the Memorare and Act of Contrition.
I prayed to Mary two times a day. I took good care of her and I showed her around the house.
I prayed the Hail Mary prayer with her and I took good care of her.
When the Blessed Mother visited my home I was very happy. I prayed the Rosary with my mom, dad and sister. I will always keep her close to my heart.
I put Mary on our table. I prayed to her two times a day in the Morning and at night. I asked her to keep everyone safe.
I prayed to the Blessed Mother for my Aunt Jeannie who is sick in the hospital. I also prayed for my family and friends. I also prayed for my teachers and even people I do not know so those people can get better. I prayed for my grandpa who is sick. I even prayed for people who died like Ryan Youngman.